Safety and Airspace Regulation Group
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Rotary Wing Swarm Operations – Visual Line of Sight – Requirements, Guidance & Policy
CAP 722E
Published by the Civil Aviation Authority, 2022
Civil Aviation Authority Aviation House Beehive Ring Road Crawley
West Sussex RH6 0YR
All rights reserved. Copies of this publication may be reproduced for personal use, or for use within a company or organisation, but may not otherwise be reproduced for publication.
To use or reference CAA publications for any other purpose, for example within training material for students, please contact the CAA at the address above for formal agreement.
First edition of CAP 722E, July 2020
Second edition of CAP 722E December 2022
The latest version of this document is available in electronic format at
Abbreviations and glossary of terms 7
CHAPTER 1 | General introduction 8
CHAPTER 2 | Basic requirements for all rotary wing VLOS swarms 10
CHAPTER 3 | Additional information 20
Appendix A | Summary of requirements 25
OSC Volume 1 – Operations Manual 25
OSC Volume 3 – Safety Risk Assessment 29
Additional application requirements 29
Note: Changes made since the previous published edition are notified in red underline.
This edition takes into account the changes to the online notification process with the removal of the DAP1918 form and the adoption of the Airspace Co-ordination and Obstacle Management portal. This edition also removes the necessity for the operator to state the specific dimensions and location of the flight volume and replaces it with the necessity to state how the dimensions and planned flight volumes will be calculated for each operation. This edition also requires the operator to explain the minimum composition of the flight crew and support crew/ground crew scalability.
This is the first edition of this document.
The aim of this document is to enable UAS operators to understand the requirements that must be met as part of an application for operational authorisations related to rotary wing UAS swarm operations in visual line of sight (VLOS).
It will indicate which volumes of the operating safety case (OSC) should address each requirement.
For more guidance on the OSC and the application process see CAP 722A and the UAS application process webpage here.
In advance of further changes to this document, updated information is contained on the CAA website via UAS Unit web pages.
This CAP covers three areas. Chapter 2 describes the basic requirements for all rotary wing VLOS swarms. Chapter 3 provides additional information on airspace, public displays, and notification. Finally, Appendix A is a summary of the requirements listed in Chapter 2.
The content of CAP 722E does not replace the current civil regulations. Wherever possible, this guidance has been harmonised with any relevant emerging international UAS regulatory developments where available.
The latest version of CAP 722E can be located within the publications section of the CAA website.
Updated information can be found within the latest updates section of the CAA website’s UAS webpages.
The CAA also provides a more general aviation update service via the SkyWise system, which can be filtered by subject matter for relevant UAS related information.
CAP 722E, sits within the CAP 722 suite of UAS guidance and policy, which can be found here.
For queries relating to the content of CAP 722E: GA & RPAS Unit
Safety and Airspace Regulation Group Aviation House
Beehive Ring Road Crawley
West Sussex RH6 0YR
For matters concerning operations or approvals:
Shared Service Centre (UAS) CAA
Aviation House Beehive Ring Road Crawley
West Sussex RH6 0YR
Telephone: 0330 022 1908
Abbreviations and glossary of terms
The definitive list of abbreviations and terms/definitions that are relevant to UAS operations within the UK and for the whole CAP 722 ‘series’ of documents are centralised within CAP 722D UAS Definitions and Glossary.
CHAPTER 1 | General introduction
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operating in the UK must meet at least the same safety and operational standards as manned aircraft when conducting the same type of operation in the same airspace.
As a result, when compared to the operations of manned aircraft of an equivalent class or category, UAS operations must not present or create a greater hazard to persons, property, vehicles or vessels, either in the air or on the ground.
However, with unmanned aviation the primary consideration is the type of operation being conducted, rather than who or what is conducting it, or why it is being done. As there is ‘no one on board’ the aircraft, the consequences of an incident or accident are purely dependent on where that incident/accident takes place. The CAA’s focus is therefore on the risk that the UAS operation presents to third parties, which means that more effort or proof is required where the risk is greater.
Swarming is the operation of more than one unmanned aircraft (UA) controlled collectively rather than individually.
This document applies to civilian UAS operators wishing to apply for authorisation to operate rotary wing UA as a swarm within visual line of sight (VLOS).
This guidance applies to applications for a single swarm operation at a specific site or for applications for multiple operations at different sites. The OSC will be more straightforward for single operations. The OSC’s complexity will increase significantly if the applicant wishes to obtain authorisation to operate a swarm at multiple sites.
Operations of swarms involving fixed wing UA, or flight beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), are outside the scope of this document. In these cases, UAS operators should contact the CAA directly to discuss further (see page 6 for contact details).
This document describes the requirements for an authorisation to operate a swarm. It also provides guidance for completing the OSC.
Editorial practices
In this document the following editorial practices apply:
‘Must’ / ‘must not’ indicates a mandatory requirement.
‘Should’ indicates a strong obligation (in other words, a person would need to provide
clear justification for not complying with the obligation).
‘May’ indicates discretion.
‘Describe’ / ‘explain’ indicates the provision of logical argument and any available evidence that justifies a situation, choice, or action.
Requirements that must be included within the OSC are underlined within the text of Chapter 2 and Appendix A. For example:
‘The remote pilot(s) must be competent to carry out UA swarm operations.’
CHAPTER 2 | Basic requirements for all rotary wing VLOS swarms
The following requirements must be included in the OSC submitted to the CAA for authorisation of UA swarm operations.
This chapter must be read in conjunction with CAP 722A Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in UK Airspace – Operating Safety Cases.
For swarming operations, the applicant must prepare and submit all 3 volumes of the OSC. Particular attention should be paid to the Volume 3 risk assessment. Identified safety risks must be specific to the proposed operation and must be mitigated to an acceptable level.
Any operator wishing to conduct any swarming flights, including those for testing and development, must be in possession of a valid Operational Authorisation issued by the CAA.
OSC Volume 1 – Operations Manual
The operational requirements listed below must be included in Volume 1 of the OSC.
Any safety risks identified under any of these headings, must be mitigated to a tolerable and ALARP level.
Volume 3 of the OSC must explain why all safety risks identified in Volume 1 are tolerable and ALARP.
This list is not exhaustive and must be read in conjunction with CAP 722A.
Remote pilot competence
The remote pilot(s) must be competent to carry out UA swarm operations.
Explain why the operator is satisfied that the remote pilot(s) is competent enough to comply with the conditions of an authorisation.
Explain how the qualifications and experience of the remote pilot(s) ensure they are competent to carry out the swarming operations.
Support crew competence
The support crew must be competent to support UA swarm operations.
Explain how the qualifications and experience of the crew ensure they are competent to support swarming operations. An example of a support crew member is a visual observer who keeps a lookout for other airspace users.
Explain the minimum composition of the flight crew/ground support crew including any additional support pilots, observers, crowd marshals etc and explain how the number of flight crew/ground support crew scales with the number of aircraft included in the operational volume.
Line of sight
The swarm operation must be carried out within VLOS.
Application for approval of a BVLOS swarm operation is outside the scope of this document.
Dimensions of the flight volume
The planned flight of the swarm must remain within the flight volume.
The upper limit of the flight volume must be kept as low as possible and only be as high as necessary to accommodate the planned flight of the swarm.
The horizontal dimensions of the flight volume must be sufficient to accommodate the planned flight of the swarm.
The flight volume must encompass the entire swarm and its planned movement, with sufficient allowance for any operational movement around the flight path.
State how the dimensions of the planned flight volumes will be calculated for each operation. Include calculations for how the Contingency Volume and Emergency Buffer Zones will be created.
Swarm height
The height of the swarm must be monitored and accurately measured.
The height of the swarm should be based on the height of the highest individual UA at any time during the flight.
Explain how the swarm height is measured and monitored during the flight, and how accuracy is assured.
Appropriate airspace must be used for the swarm operation. The OSC must contain all the information listed below:
State the dimensions and location of the flight volume (see paragraph 2.1.4 and
paragraph 3.2, figures 1 and 2).
State the dimensions and location of the contingency volume and emergency buffer (see paragraph 3.2, figures 1 and 2).
State the class of airspace where the swarm is to be conducted.
State whether any additional permission is required to operate in the proposed airspace; for example, if the operation is within an FRZ.
Explain how any additional permission will be applied for.
All swarm flights must be notified in advance to CAA Airspace Regulation Operations (AR Ops).
UAS operators must provide details of any swarm flight to AR Ops at least 28 days before the date of the flight using the online Airspace Co-ordination and Obstacle Management ( form. (See paragraph 3.3 for additional guidance.)
The CAA will issue any NOTAM that is required, following submission of the online form request.
State your notification procedures.
Weather conditions
The swarm operation must only be conducted in the appropriate weather conditions.
State the weather limits for the operation and explain how the weather will be monitored during the operation.
Go/no-go criteria
Go/no-go and abort criteria must be clearly defined for the swarm operation. State the go/no-go criteria for the operation.
Emergency abort
The decision to abort the swarm must be made quickly and reliably enough, in response to an emergency, to prevent harm to people.
State who will make real-time decisions to abort the flight and what qualifies them to make the decision. This person must be physically present at the site of operation while the swarm is in flight.
Explain how the decision to abort will be made quickly and reliably to effectively intervene in an emergency to prevent harm.
State the abort conditions which, if reached, would lead to an immediate and safe termination of the operation. Explain the abort procedures which are in place to enable this decision.
State that the abort decision will always be free from commercial or contractual pressure.
Operating procedures
Operating procedures must be clearly defined for the swarm operation.
The OSC must state and explain the operating procedures as necessary, including the:
normal operating procedures
lost C2 link procedures and protocols
contingency procedures, including:
UA excursion from the flight volume
emergency procedures, including:
aircraft incursion into the operational volume
UA excursion from the operational volume
uninvolved third parties crossing the crowd line and entering the sterile ground area
emergency response plan (ERP).
Illumination of take-off, landing and nominated recovery areas
The take-off, landing and nominated recovery areas must be sufficiently illuminated. Use of recovery areas is recommended.
Explain how the take-off, landing and any nominated recovery areas are sufficiently illuminated to ensure safe operation of UA when using the areas.
The insurance policy must provide adequate cover for swarming operations. Include copies of the relevant insurance documents.
Projection or dropping of articles
The safety risks associated with the projection or dropping of articles must be tolerable and ALARP.
Permission from the CAA must be obtained for any dropping of articles from a UA. Explain what articles will be projected or dropped.
Explain how articles will be projected or dropped.
Explain how the safety risk is tolerable and ALARP in Volume 3 of the OSC.
Overflight of uninvolved third parties
The swarm must not overfly uninvolved third parties.
See CAP 722A Appendix A, Overflight of Uninvolved Third Parties, for more information. Explain how the overflight of uninvolved people will be avoided.
Explain how the safety risk is tolerable and ALARP in Volume 3 of the OSC.
Swarms for public display – sterile ground area
A sterile ground area must be in place for the operation.
Uninvolved third parties must not be present in the sterile ground area.
The sterile ground area is the entire ground or water area covered by the flight volume, the contingency volume and the emergency buffer. (See paragraph 3.2, figures 1 and 2.)
State the dimensions and location of the sterile ground area.
Swarm for public display – crowd line position
A crowd line must be established outside of the sterile ground area for the operation. A crowd line is applicable to any number of uninvolved people.
Based on the sterile ground area description in paragraph 2.1.16, the crowd line must be outside the emergency buffer.
The crowd line must never be less than 50m from the operational volume. State the position of the crowd line. (See paragraph 3.2, figures 1 and 2.)
Swarm for public display – crowd line marking and monitoring
Uninvolved third parties must not be permitted to cross the crowd line when the swarm is in flight.
Explain how the crowd line will be marked and how its observation will be enforced. Explain how you will respond if uninvolved third parties cross the crowd line.
OSC Volume 2 – Systems
The technical requirements listed below must be included in Volume 2 of the OSC.
Any safety risks identified under any of these headings, must be mitigated to a tolerable and ALARP level.
Volume 3 of the OSC must explain why all safety risks identified in Volume 2 are tolerable and ALARP.
This list is not exhaustive and must be read in conjunction with CAP 722A.
UA type
The swarm must only be comprised of rotary wing UA. State the type of UA to be used in the swarm.
Number of UA in the swarm
The number of UA in the swarm must be no more than necessary to complete the operation.
The number of UA in the swarm is important; as the number increases, so does the swarm’s potential to harm people. It also increases the potential for RF interference, C2 spectrum issues and loss of control or fly-away events.
While the number of UA within the swarm will not necessarily increase the amount of energy transferred to a person if the swarm were to crash, it would affect the likelihood of a person being struck.
State the number of UA to be used in the swarm.
UA speed
The highest speed of an individual UA must be no greater than necessary to complete the operation.
State the highest speed of the individual UA in the swarm.
UA mass
The mass of an individual UA must be no greater than necessary to complete the operation. State the mass, including payload, of the individual UA in the swarm.
UA kinetic energy
The kinetic energy of an individual UA must be no greater than necessary to complete the operation.
Kinetic energy is increased with higher UA speed. Kinetic energy is also increased with greater UA mass. See CAP 722A, Appendix A, Overflight of Uninvolved Third Parties for more information.
State the kinetic energy of the individual UA in the swarm at their highest speed.
UA size
The size of the UA must be no larger than necessary to complete the operation. State the size of the individual UA in the swarm.
Swarm coordination protocol
The swarm must be effectively controlled.
State how the UA in the swarm establish and maintain communication with each other through an RF channel. For example, is it a ‘lead’ and ‘follower’ configuration, a mesh system, or a pre-defined waypoint configuration?
Describe how individual UA in the swarm avoid one another and obstacles.
Intra-swarm collision avoidance and movement
All UA in the swarm must remain separated from each other during the operation. Explain the collision avoidance and movement co-ordination technologies between UA.
Whole system single points of failure
All single points of failure must be identified and mitigated.
State all single points of failure and explain how these points are mitigated in Volume 2 of the OSC.
Known failure modes
All known failure modes must be identified and mitigated.
State all known failure modes and explain how these are mitigated in Volume 2 of the OSC.
ADS-B dual frequency receiver
The remote pilot should use technical means to supplement visual lookout.
The remote pilot should be aware of other ADS-B equipped aircraft close to the operation.
An ADS-B dual frequency receiver operating on 978MHz and 1090MHz should be used and must be in the same place as the swarm.
ADS-B receivers may be airborne, or ground based and must be in the immediate vicinity of the swarm.
One ADS-B receiver may be used for the entire swarm.
If an ADS-B receiver is used, describe how it will be used to monitor ADS-B equipped aircraft nearby.
Describe the use of any third-party web-based application to supplement visual lookout and explain its limitations in terms of reliability and coverage.
If an ADS-B receiver is not used, explain why.
C2 link
An effective C2 link must be maintained between the command unit and the swarm. State how a C2 link between the command unit and the swarm is assured.
Describe how the C2 link works and the risks of it being lost during the operation.
Describe all technical mitigations designed to prevent the loss of the C2 link. For example, any redundancy provided within the system through the use of independent C2 links.
C2 link frequency
Any interference on the C2 link frequency must not present an intolerable risk of the loss of the C2 link.
State which C2 frequency or frequencies will be used.
Explain how potential RF interference is assessed prior to and during the operation. A calibrated spectrum analyser or equivalent signal monitoring system should be used before and during flight.
Explain how the operator ensures that they are aware of any notified RF interference for the date and time of the intended flight of the swarm.
C2 link signal latency
The C2 link signal latency must be tolerable to maintain control of the swarm.
Describe the proof that the signal latency timing within the C2 link falls within the tolerable limit.
The planned flight of the swarm must remain within the flight volume.
GNSS must not be lost to the extent that the safe and effective control of the swarm cannot be maintained.
It is not a requirement to use GNSS. However, if GNSS is used the following information
must be included:
Describe the GNSS equipment used.
Explain how GNSS is used in the operation and the navigational precision required.
State the minimum number of satellites required for the operation.
Explain how the number of satellites is monitored before and during the operation.
Explain any use of dilution of precision indicators.
‘Geo-caging’ function
The planned flight of the swarm must remain within the flight volume.
A technical function which ‘automatically’ retains the swarm within a pre-defined airspace volume (sometimes referred to as a ‘geo-caging’ capability) must be used.
The following information must be provided:
Describe the equipment being used to provide this capability.
Explain how the capability is used in the operation.
Explain how the navigational data being used accurately represents the flight volume.
Explain how reliable it is.
Visual conspicuity
The swarm must be visually conspicuous.
If operating at night, conspicuity lighting must be fitted to each UA. Display lighting may be used for visual conspicuity.
If the swarm is for the purpose of public display, it is accepted that some or all UA may have their conspicuity lights off or flashing for periods of time. These periods should be minimised, and operators must demonstrate how they will mitigate the safety risk to other air users during periods when some or all UA are not displaying conspicuity lighting.
Describe how periods of flight by UA that are part of a public display and are not displaying conspicuity lighting are minimised.
State the maximum distance that each individual UA can be expected to be seen using unaided eyesight (corrective spectacles may be used).
Flight termination function
A flight termination function must be available to stop the swarm’s flight in an emergency to prevent harm to people.
Explain the flight termination function and how it ensures safe termination of the flight if required.
Explain how the flight termination function ensures the swarm will not leave the emergency buffer.
Return to Home function is not an appropriate flight termination function for swarms.
OSC Volume 3 – Safety Risk Assessment
All safety risks associated with the operation must be tolerable and ALARP.
The safety risk assessment must be carried in accordance with CAP 722A.
It is important to ensure that mitigations that you rely on to reduce safety risk are described in Volumes 1 and 2 of your OSC.
In Volume 3 of the OSC, you must explain why all safety risks identified in Volumes 1 and 2 are tolerable and ALARP.
Additional application requirements
Demonstration flight
A demonstration flight, observed by CAA staff, must be conducted.
During the application process the applicant must conduct a demonstration flight which will
be observed by CAA staff. The demonstration flight is only required as part of the application process.
The flight must comply with the following requirements:
The flight must be carried out in a sterile ground area.
The flight must demonstrate the proposed operation and emergency procedures.
Relevant equipment capabilities, particularly those which are being relied upon as safety mitigations, must be demonstrated.
Third country operators
All third country operators wishing to conduct swarm operations within the UK must apply to the UK CAA for authorisation.
Third country operators wishing to conduct swarm operations within the UK must already be in possession of an equivalent authorisation to operate within their parent State/State of residence.
The application must contain evidence, such as a letter or statement, of authorisation granted by the resident country NAA for swarm operations.
The UAS operator must be appropriately registered in order to conduct flying operations within the UK.
CHAPTER 3 | Additional information
This chapter will help applicants create and visualise the airspace associated with the swarm operation.
Applicants must describe the airspace required for the operation within the OSC, in accordance with Chapter 2 of this document and CAP 722A.
Applicants should provide airspace diagrams.
Flight volume
The upper vertical limit of the flight volume must be kept as low as possible and only be as high as necessary to safely accommodate the planned swarm operation.
The flight volume must encompass the entire swarm and its planned movement, with sufficient buffer for any operational movement around the flight path. Consideration should be given to surrounding airspace, other airspace users and ground risks.
Operational movement includes UA movement for navigational changes, such as turns, and expected weather conditions.
Contingency volume
The contingency volume is adjacent to and surrounds the flight volume. It must be large enough to accommodate UA leaving, and manoeuvring to re-enter, the flight volume.
The contingency volume is established to cater for unexpected circumstances, such as manoeuvring the UA to avoid deteriorating weather conditions or other airspace users.
If any UA enters the contingency volume, or the remote pilot suspects it might happen, the contingency procedures must be carried out immediately and must result in the UA re- entering the flight volume as soon as possible. The contingency procedures must be stated in the OSC.
Operational volume
The operational volume is the zone containing the flight volume and the contingency volume.
Emergency buffer
The emergency buffer is airspace that is adjacent to and surrounds the operational volume.
If any UA enter the emergency buffer or the remote pilot suspects it might happen, the emergency response plan (ERP) must be carried out immediately.
Dimensions of the emergency buffer
The horizontal and vertical dimensions of the emergency buffer are dictated by two principles:
It must be large enough to contain controlled manoeuvres made by the UA as part of the ERP. This includes flight termination.
It must be large enough to contain the predicted flight path of a UA that leaves the contingency volume in any direction while suffering a total loss of propulsion and control.
Calculating the emergency buffer
The dimensions of the emergency buffer must satisfy both principles detailed in paragraph
3.1.5 above.
When calculating the dimensions of the emergency buffer, UAS operators must consider all the following points:
The upper limit of the operational volume:
The horizontal dimensions of the emergency buffer must be at least the same as the height of the operational volume. This is the minimum distance required. This is referred to as distance ‘X’ in paragraph 3.2, figures 1 and 2.
Any technical limitations and capabilities used in the ERP.
The speed of the UA.
The effect of wind, and therefore any subsequent drift, on the UA.
Any other aspects of the operation that might increase the size of the emergency buffer.
VLOS swarm for public display diagrams
Note: The diagrams are not to scale
Figure 1. Side elevation view
Figure 2. Plan view
Additional guidance for notifying swarm operations using online portal for Airspace Co-ordination and Obstacle Management
If approval for a swarm operation is granted by the CAA UAS Unit, the operator must notify AROps for each intended flight. The form should be filled in accordance with the instructions below.
The online form must be submitted at least 28 days before the date of the event. Operators
should factor this time into the application planning timeline.
Operators must follow these additional instructions when completing the form:
The activity category must be “Remotely Piloted Aircraft”.
Applicant Details
All fields marked with an asterisk must be completed.
Event Details
The Activity Type must be “Visual Line of Sight”
The description must indicate if the purpose of the swarm is for aerial lighting effects. For example, ‘Aerial Lighting using 50 Unmanned Aircraft in a Swarm’.
The number of remotely piloted aircraft in the swarm must be stated.
The description must also include details of any periods of time when UA will not be lit, for example as part of a public display.
See paragraph 2.1.7 for more information.
If the flight is to take place within a Flight Restriction Zone, the appropriate aerodrome permission must be uploaded.
If the flight is to take place within the vicinity of a Helicopter Landing Site, the names of the sites must be provided.
If the flight requires a range of dates or times, these must be provided. A full operational authorisation issued by the CAA must be uploaded.
Location details
This section must also include the dimensions and position of the airspace required for the swarm operation.
The airspace information is the position and location of the flight volume, contingency volume, and emergency buffer.
The position of the swarm must be stated as either an Ordnance Survey grid reference
or WGS84 co-ordinates expressed in latitude and longitude.
The maximum height of the swarm must be added in this section. The maximum height is the upper limit of the operational volume. The upper limit must be expressed in feet AGL.
A telephone number(s) must be provided so that operator and remote pilot can be contacted before and during the event.
Telephone numbers will be used for urgent flight safety messages and might be passed to air traffic control agencies for this purpose.
Appendix A | Summary of requirements
Appendix A summarises the requirements listed in Chapter 2.
It must be read in conjunction with CAP 722A – Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in UK Airspace – Operating Safety Cases.
OSC Volume 1 – Operations Manual
The operational requirements listed below must be included in Volume 1 of the OSC.
This list is not exhaustive and must be read in conjunction with CAP 722A.
Paragraph Number and Title (Paragraph 2.1) | Basic requirement for all rotary wing VLOS swarms (Paragraph 2.1) |
The remote pilot(s) must be competent to carry out UA swarm operations | |
The support crew must be competent to support UA swarm operations | |
The swarm operation must be carried out within VLOS | |
The planned flight of the swarm must remain within the flight volume The upper limit of the flight volume must be kept as low as possible and only be as high as necessary to accommodate the planned flight of the swarm The horizontal dimensions of the flight volume must be sufficient to accommodate the planned flight of the swarm | |
The height of the swarm must be monitored and accurately measured |
Paragraph Number and Title (Paragraph 2.1) | Basic requirement for all rotary wing VLOS swarms (Paragraph 2.1) |
Appropriate airspace must be used for the swarm operation | |
All swarm flights must be notified in advance to CAA Airspace Regulation Operations (AR Ops) | |
The swarm operation must only be conducted in the appropriate weather conditions | |
Go/no-go and abort criteria must be clearly defined for the swarm operation | |
The decision to abort the swarm must be made quickly and reliably enough, in response to an emergency, to prevent harm to people | |
Operating procedures must be clearly defined for the swarm operation | |
Illumination of take-off, landing and nominated recovery areas | The take-off, landing and nominated recovery areas must be sufficiently illuminated |
The insurance policy must provide adequate cover for swarming operations | |
The safety risks associated with the projection or dropping of articles must be tolerable and ALARP | |
The swarm must not overfly any uninvolved third parties | |
A sterile ground area must be in place for the operation | |
A crowd line must be established outside of the sterile ground area for the operation |
Paragraph Number and Title (Paragraph 2.1) | Basic requirement for all rotary wing VLOS swarms (Paragraph 2.1) |
Swarm for public display – crowd line marking and monitoring | Uninvolved third parties must not be permitted to cross the crowd line when the swarm is in flight |
OSC Volume 2 – Systems
The operational requirements listed below must be included in Volume 2 of the OSC.
This list is not exhaustive and must be read in conjunction with CAP 722A.
Title (Paragraph 2.2) | Basic requirement for all rotary wing VLOS swarms (Paragraph 2.2) |
The swarm must only be comprised of rotary wing UA | |
The number of UA in the swarm must be no more than necessary to complete the operation | |
The highest speed of an individual UA must be no greater than necessary to complete the operation | |
The mass of an individual UA must be no greater than necessary to complete the operation | |
The kinetic energy of an individual UA must be no greater than necessary to complete the operation | |
The size of the UA must be no larger than necessary to complete the operation | |
The swarm must be effectively controlled |
Title (Paragraph 2.2) | Basic requirement for all rotary wing VLOS swarms (Paragraph 2.2) |
Intra-swarm collision avoidance and movement | All UA in the swarm must remain separated from each other during the operation |
Whole system single point of failure | All single points of failure must be identified and mitigated |
All known failure modes must be identified and mitigated | |
An effective C2 link must be maintained between the command unit and the swarm | |
Any interference on the C2 link frequency must not present an intolerable risk of the loss of the C2 link | |
The C2 link signal latency must be tolerable to maintain control of the swarm | |
The planned flight of the swarm must remain within the flight volume | |
The planned flight of the swarm must remain within the flight volume | |
The swarm must be visually conspicuous | |
A flight termination function must be available to stop the swarm’s flight in an emergency to prevent harm to people |
OSC Volume 3 – Safety Risk Assessment
In Volume 3 of the OSC, you must explain why all safety risks identified in Volumes 1 and 2 are tolerable and ALARP.
The safety risk assessment must be carried in accordance with CAP 722A.
Title (Paragraph 2.3) | Basic requirement for all rotary wing VLOS swarms (Paragraph 2.3) |
All safety risks associated with the operation must be tolerable and ALARP |
Additional application requirements
Title (Paragraph 2.4) | Basic requirement for all rotary wing VLOS swarms (Paragraph 2.4) |
A demonstration flight, observed by CAA staff, must be conducted | |
All third country operators wishing to conduct swarm operations within the UK must apply to the UK CAA for authorisation Third country operators wishing to conduct swarm operations within the UK must already be in possession of an equivalent authorisation to operate within their parent State/State of residence |